Red riding Hood Foundation

This is not a real organization but it is made to resemble a realistic treatment, animatic and voiceover. The organization is called the “Red Riding Hood Foundation” and they fight for the wolves rights and survival in Sweden. It was made to fit into the brand archetype “the caregiver” to keep a  warm and empathetic feeling and make the audience care about the wolves. Lets begin with I looking at the position of the company:

  • Values: Dedication, responsibility and empathy. This is something they try to always strive for in their work. 

  • Their Vision: For wolves in Sweden to thrive and not risk extinction anymore.

  • Their Mission: To help wolves by creating a safe environment and helping them develop and thrive in the wild. 

  • Their Promise: To slowly increase the amount of wolves in Sweden and help strengthen their genetics by reducing inbreeding.

  • Target Audience: People who love animals and have enough money to give to charity. 

I also created a visual brand identity for the organization:

I used the Red riding hood as a characterization embodying the company’s values and what it stands for. A caring person who fights for the wellbeing of all wolves and helps them survive in the forest. The tone is warm and loving but also with a slight edge. The scene were the wolf was shot it was not very warm and loving but by adding that scene there was room for empathy to grow for the second wolf that was left all alone.

The visuals are actually inspired by the red bull commercials. The simple style and restricted use of color makes it very easy to animate and also keeps the focus on the most important things. I used a similar technique as in Steven Spielberg's “Schindler's list” where they occasionally add red to an otherwise black and white film which makes the red really pop and helps get the audience to notice the right things.

Since this organization is not super angry and edgy it makes more sense to tell the story through cute looking characters and  an animated wolf being shot instead of having footage of real dead wolves. By creating this heart warming, cute but also sad story, there is an equal level of emotional elements and logic which would make the audience care but also feel like they could trust the organization.

I created everything except the few sound effects. I also recorded the voiceover myself which is why it’s not perfect.

Intellegyn AI

Description coming soon…